Realistic Train Models

Realistic TrainModels is about weathered HO locomotives and railcars. High quality locomotives from first owner are hand painted by paintbrush. Traces of dust, grime and rust are applied in multi layers high quality paint to give them a more realistic look.

Airbrush is used to finish the models. In other words, each Weathered Train Model is a three dimensional painting and one of a kind.

Below some 50 examples of recently weathered locomotives and railcars.

Why Weathering a brandnew locomotive ? Model locomotives straight from the factory look extremely clean. They breathe the image of freshly painted Museum Locomotives. In reality most locomotives are Work Horses, they have to work hard, pulling heavy trains day and night. There is no time for cleaning and painting, resulting in lots of dust, grime, corrosion and sometimes rust. Realistic TrainModels is about workhorses. Each model is hand painted and a unique piece of art. Weathered locomotives are more fun to look at. Below an impression how weathered locomotives perfecly fit an HO scenary

Below an overview of new locomotives and Railcars with weathering in progress

New Weathered Locomotives coming soonNew Weathered Railcars coming soon

Click here when you are interested in more Weathered Locomotives and Railcars

Interested to see how a Realistic DB 03 looks like on a professional Dutch HO layout ?

Please visit site Mrmodelrailroad

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